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A famous nightclub with a 15-year history on the Italian island of Sardinia - the favorite place for enjoyable pastime and life spending for the powers that be from Europe, the United States and the Persian Gulf, the most famous amongst which are, of course, the tycoon and former Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi, as well as endless line of Saudi princes.

Club on the Caribbean (Saint-Martin island)

Club on the Caribbean (Saint-Martin island
The best topless adult entertainment club not only on the island but also in the Caribbean, for many years, and this explains its popularity among regular customers, mostly from the U.S., Canada, and also from the "parent" Holland (the Netherlands) and France. Why of these European countries? 


The nightclub in the north of Bavaria - the largest and richest German region with the capital in the world famous Munich, located in a lovely ancient city, the historical center of which is under the protection of UNESCO, invites dancers who are ready to work on consumation and perform private dances. The club, which is existing for several years, is open 5 days a week, from Wednesday to Sunday: on Wednesday and Sunday - from 21:00 to 04:00;on Thursday and Friday - from 21:00 to 05:00;on Saturday - from 21:00 to 06:00.The club for 45 people employs from 6 to 8 girls from different countries.  Bavaria is not only the Motherland of Octoberfest which isn't needed to be introduced. That's home of magical castles and one of the most picturesque palaces in the world of the past eras, located in the foothills of Bavarian Alps, amongst which the most recognizable is the incredible Noeshweinstein, which Walt Disney used as a logo of Walt Disney Pictures!


The prestigious night club in the well known for its active nightlife town of St. Julian's, on the famous for its antique and especially the medieval architecture island of Malta, with its distinctive Mediterranean beaches and unique atmosphere, romantic during daytime, and unrestrainedly fun at night.The club is located in the very rave area of the town - Paceville, known for many discos, night clubs and the largest casino in the country.