Club in Lebanon

The best night clubs of Lebanon, located in its capital city of Beirut and at the resort Jounieh - the town adjacent to it, with a population of 100 thousand people, the center of a bustling nightlife, with many bars, restaurants, discos, the biggest casino of Lebanon and the entire Middle East - Casino du Liban. Here the rich Lebanese (and there are not a few in the country, gradually returning to its former glory of the Middle East's Switzerland), the indecently extremely rich Princes of the Blood of the Royal family of Saudi Arabia, the offspring of numerous Emir's clans from the United Arab Emirates, businessmen and financiers of these countries as well as from the European Union, primarily from France (whose colony Lebanon was until 1943), are spending time without regard to the religious dogma. 
The clubs are located in the heart of the Christian part of Lebanon, where it is absolutely safe and is always calm.

Lebanon is a small mountainous country located on the Eastern shore of the Mediterranean sea, with a population of about 4 million people. On the East and North it borders with Syria, on the South with Israel. 
Stands out inside the Arab world with its unprecedented religious diversity. In Lebanon, there is a political system that presumes the organization of state power in accordance with the division of society into religious communities, of which there are neither more nor less - 18. This organization, in fact, is the basis of the internal territorial delimitation. 
Before the civil war of 1975-1990, Lebanon was a prosperous state, financial and banking capital of the Arab world with a dominant share of the Christian population, for what it received the unofficial title of "Switzerland of the Middle East". After the war's end the reconstruction of the economy and the financial sector has begun. Now Lebanon is popular among tourists again. 
Today the capital of Lebanon Beirut city, with all its contrast, in the Central part is an amazing combination of architectural similarity with ultra-modern Singapore and classic Paris. 

Learn more about Lebanon and Jounieh here.

The club is open from 22:00 till 05:00.

Normally in the club are run up to 38 girls from different countries of the world, with one day-off per month (other days-off are providing for any girls if was sponsored by the club's guest).


The club approves of the girls with an attractive appearance at the age up to 30 years old, slim, ready to work on a proactive consumption (I mean the girl's prompting of a customer to buy a bottle of Champagne to drink together with him).
Experience and knowledge of foreign language is not required.

The girl that wants to work in the club, should understand that not only without the charm and grace, but maybe, above all, without wit, ability to ingratiate yourself with very demanding and indecently wealthy Arab guests, the ability to get talking them on the consumption, you won't be able to hold on at least any long in competition with others pretty and smart from all over the world. 


The work is by a work visa and a work contract for a period of 3 months, with possible extension up to 6 months on the spot. 

To obtain a work visa girl, approved by the club's boss by her pictures which she's sent to me, should send on my mail the scanned copy of her passport and a color passport's sample photo with the size of 3 by 4 cm, on a white background. 
Within two working days after receiving them I'll send to a girl her contract in electronic form that she must sign, scan and return to me. 
Within, normally, 7 days after that I send to a girl her work visa.

It should be noted that you don't bear any costs, including in hidden form, for the work visa application; it is paid by the club.


Upon arrival, the girl is obliged to undergo a medical examination at the hospital, which costs $335. It is paid for by the club with the condition of returning by the girl of these funds during the first month of her work. When are detecting any venereal diseases, hepatitis, HIV or pregnancy a girl will be sent back to her country, with the cancellation of her contract and work visa.
Working, any girl should pay the government tax in amount of $120 and medical insurance in amount of $110. 
In the club all the girls are dancing alternately in the disco style on the stage and by the customers' tables to create the atmosphere of a combination of sparkling fun and private romanticism, to attract their attention and inspire them to the invitation at the table. 

The main work on a consumption and only champagne consumption. 

Girls should be dressed as a disco, elegant and sexy short dresses, skirts, shorts, tops (but not jeans, pants or t-shirts), shoes and sandals exclusively on high heels. 

While working in the club, a girl needs to look attractive, with beautiful hair style and make-up (there are dressing rooms at the club ), to be unfailingly polite with other working girls and courteous with the club's guests. 
To be in a state of intoxication is strictly prohibited. 
The outs are possible.

After shift completed the girl is obliged to arrive at the hotel, where are staying all working in the club, and to rest there until 13:00 (1:00pm). From 13:00 to 20:00 - girl's spare time which any girl can spend as she wants (the beach, shopping, meetings with guests of the club). Then the girl should return to the hotel.


The club pays a minimum fixed salary of $900 per girl per month. 
Salary at a higher rate is paid for professional dancers, the show-ballets, shortly - for anyone who perform shows. 

For the communication with the guest/guests at the table for one and half hour, the girl gets $5. For every ordered meanwhile bottle of champagne or whiskey the girl gets $25, and for bottle of vodka she gets $15. 

Salary and Commission for the consumption both are paid once a month. 

A girl can keep all received tips fully.

It should be noted that girls don't pay me any Commission; it is the responsibility of the club. 

When a girl is interested, how much can she earn in the club, you have to understand that, like any other club, it depends on a girl's competitiveness and not so much from the appearance of the model (although the factor of appearance, of course, is important), but on her charisma, charm, grace and sociability. And that's why it is so important to be able to communicate in English because most of the club guests are able to talk in this language. Although, if you speak French or Arabic, at least just a little bit, your advantage is no doubt! 

The club is long well-known for the moneybags from the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, so as for far from being poor the casino regular visitors, businessmen and tourists not only from the above mentioned countries and, of course, provides for every girl the opportunity not bad earnings; it is only necessary to be able to properly dispose of this opportunity. 

As Lebanon doesn't have an explicit tourist seasonality (because the beauty of its mountains which are attracting people here, just is changing from the calendar of the season, but not disappear, and even mountain-ski resort is located there; the unique historical attractions all year-round are the same unique; the biggest in the Middle East casino opens its doors 365 days a year), to earn here not just a few, but a lot you can always.


The flight ticket can be credited by the club. 
In this case, the girl is obliged to return the money for her ticket not later than one month after arrival. In practice, this happens much earlier.
For arrived girls a free Shuttle service from the airport is providing. 

While working in the club all the girls are staying in a 3*hotel, near the sea, 2-3 girls in a room, with very sparing payment of $120 per month per person. 
The club provides a free Shuttle service hotel-club-hotel.


If you want to work in Lebanon, fill out and send me the application form here, attaching to it a few of the recent pictures of yours, which are clearly visible your shape in the full height and face close up without glasses.


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