A luxurious nightclub for 400 guests in the capital of Turkey, the city of Ankara, has been known for many years, it is very popular among the capital's reputable businessmen, bankers and officials, as well as foreigners who come here all year round on business and compete with the locals in the ability to spend money on a grand scale.
Ankara is a metropolis with a population of about 5.5 million people, the center of plenty museums, large banks, universities, and a major transport center in Turkey.
The club, which is open every day from 22:00 to 05:30-06:00, usually employs up to 50 girls from different countries.


The club approves female-artists aged 18 and over, good-looking, slim-shaped, sociable, responsible and conscientious, with obligatory drinks consumation.
Girls who previously used to work in Turkey and then committed offenses registered with the competent authorities of the country can not be employed.
An artist who wants to work in this club must understand that not only without charm and grace, but, perhaps, first of all, without wit, romance and emotionality, the ability to win over those club’s regulars and its respectable guests which have seen a lot and who can compare, the ability to talk them into drinks-consumation, she will not be able to hold out for any long time in competition with other beauties and smarties.


The club employs the female-artists (dancers, singers, musicians, gymnasts) on a work visa valid for one year (12 months).
The minimum period of work under the contract is 3 months, which can be extended by mutual agreement of the girl and the employer.
To issue a work contract, the club, having received a copy of the diploma from the artist or in its absence, applies to the diplomatic mission of Turkey in the country of which the girl has citizenship, and having a result, sends to the girl the relevant documents, on the basis of which she comes to work in Turkey, where it will be issued a work a card that allows her to work legally.


The artist has the right to work only in the nightclub for which a work visa is issued, and does not have the right to move to any other clubs.
The main work, in addition to performances, the schedule and duration of which is determined by the club's management, is the drinks-consumation (hostess), that is, communication with club guests at tables, on which artists can earn quite a lot during her shift.
To ensure high-quality performances of the artist, the girl is obliged to conduct rehearsals in a timely manner.
To prepare for performances, the club has dressing rooms with lockable wardrobes, which artists use for free.
The artist must arrive at the club at 21:00 to prepare for work.
Drinks-consumation is passive (the girl does not approach the guests of the club herself, but is invited to them by a representative of the club staff). At the request of the artist and by agreement with the bartender, it can be low-alcohol or non-alcoholic.
The artist must be dressed elegantly and sexy: short dresses, skirts, shorts, tops, shoes and sandals only with high heels.
Working in the club, at will, with two unpaid days off during the month, provided in agreement with the club management, the artist must look attractive, with beautiful hair and make-up, be invariably polite with other working girls and courteous with club guests.
The medical insurance of the artist for the period of the contract is provided by the club. At the same time, the girl’s expenses for dentistry or visiting a gynecologist (providing medical care related to these cases) are not covered by insurance.
Being intoxicated is strictly prohibited.
From 12:00 to 20:30 - the artist's free time. At other times, the artist must be either at the hotel where she stays, or at the club.
If the artist has left the hotel before 12:00 or is not at the hotel between 21:00 and 13:00 on her day-off or at night, contact with her may be terminated by the employer.
After three months of work, the artist has the right to a short-term (no more than 14 days) unpaid vacation for a university exams or for serious family reasons, provided by the employer if the artist applies no later than two weeks before the desired start of the vacation.


The monthly fixed salary is USD 1,000 paid in Turkish Lira daily.
The cost of issuing a work visa and obtaining a work card will be deducted from the amount of the salary by every other day schedule.
On drinks-consumation (30 minutes of communication), the artist receives 30 Turkish liras.
During the absence of work in the club due to any force majeure circumstances, the salary of the artist is not paid.
When an artist is interested in how much she will earn in a club, one must understand that, as in any other club, it depends on her competitiveness and not so much on her model appearance, but on her charm, ability to express herself and make to be interested with her the club's guest.
The proposed club is well known to local and foreign businessmen and financiers, foreign visitors and, without a doubt, provides every artist with the opportunity for decent earnings; you just need to know how to properly manage this opportunity.
Of particular note, the girls don't pay me any commissions; this is the concern of the club.


The club credits the purchase of air tickets, the cost of which will be deducted from the artist's salary.
Accommodation at the hotel is provided free of charge, 2-4 artists per room, with all amenities, shower room, toilet, hot and cold water supply, free Wi-Fi on site.
A free transfer is provided: hotel-club-hotel.
It is forbidden to stay in other places than the hotel during the term of the contract (Turkish police rule).
From 21:15 to 05:15 at the club, working artists are provided with free meals, in addition, during working hours at the club bar, water, juices, tea, and coffee are free for the artistes.


If you want to work at this club, fill out and send me an application, attaching to it some of your recent pics, which yoyr dgape in full-body and face close-up without sunglasses, are clearly visible.


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club in Bali

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