A famous nightclub with a 15-year history on the Italian island of Sardinia - the favorite place for enjoyable pastime and life spending for the powers that be from Europe, the United States and the Persian Gulf, the most famous amongst which are, of course, the tycoon and former Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi, as well as endless line of Saudi princes.

The club, popular not only amongst tourists, but also among respectable local seniors who are not burdened with everyday problems, is located in the central part of the city of Alghero, known not only as the location of the international airport and one of the ten most visited cities in Italy by tourists, with incredible beautiful landscapes and the richest historical and architectural heritage, but also as the Coral Riviera ("Riviera del Corallo"), because the azure waters of the Mediterranean Sea washing the local coastline are home to many corals, which generations of local craftsmen have made a world-famous brand, recognizable by its ruby-red color.

The club is open from 23:00 to 05:00. With a 6-day working week, the day off is Sunday.

Up to 12 girls from different countries of the world are usually run at the Club.

Sardinia (Italian. Sardegna) - the second largest island of the Mediterranean sea, located West of mainland Italy, between Sicily and French Corsica (12 km from it). 
It has a mountainous terrain (maximum height - 1834 m - mount La Marmora). 
The climate of the island is dry subtropical (Mediterranean), the average temperature in winter is not below 18°C, in summer it reaches 30°C. 
Not spoiled by the attention of tourists until almost the end of the XX century, Sardinia is now one of the most fashionable resort areas in the world with numerous villas and marinas of the millionaires and billionaires, attractive for its fabulous beauty and the sea, cleanest and most transparent in Italy, 1850 (!) kilometers of beaches, completely untouched by civilization truly slices of Heaven with Golden sands and secluded rocky coves. 


The Club approves of the girls with attractive appearance, good manners, slim shaped in age from 18 to 30 years old, sociable, to work on the consumption (I mean the girl's prompting of a customer to buy any drink for her or a bottle of wine or Champagne to drink together with him). Preference is given to fluent in varying degrees of Italian or at least English in any case. 

The girl that wants to work on Sardinia should understand that not only without the charm, but maybe, above all, without emotionality, wit, ability to ingratiate herself of the impulsive and hyperemotional Italian guests, the ability get talking them on the consumption, you won't be able to hold on at least any long in competition with others pretty and smart from all over Europe and not only. 
That’s why it’s so important to learn as soon as possible not tricky standard phrases and words in Italian, because, eventually, your earnings will depend of it!


The minimum term of the contract is 1 month, the maximum period depends of your visa validity only. 


The work is the consumption, what is communication with guests of the club at tables, where girls are able to earn hundreds of euros within a workin shift.
Consumption is active, the girls approach the guests themselves. By any girl’s wish and by agreement with a bartender, can be non-alcoholic.
Private dances can be performed by a girl wish only.
Girls should be dressed elegantly and sexually: short dresses, skirts, tops (but not jeans, pants or t-shirts), shoes and sandals exclusively in high heels.
Working at the club, girl needs to look attractive, with beautiful hair styling and make-up, to be unfailingly polite with other working girls and courteous with the guests of the club. 
To be in a state of intoxication is strictly prohibited. 
The job system is open, but it's now allowed for the girl to meet with the Club guests within her spare time.


Five days a week, the club provides the girl with a daily fixed salary of 80 euros, while one more working day a week the girl works without a fixed salary, but gets on that day 50% of the price of any drink or bottle of alcohol on consumption.
Τhe girl gets on consumption on the days when she works with fixed salary:
- 1 euro per drink after the 6th drink;
- 10% of the price of any bottle of alcohol.
The girl, if she wished, can perform any private dance in a private room, if the guest has ordered a bottle of alcohol.

Payment of salary, % of consumption and private dances performing is made daily, after the the working shift completion.
All the recrived tips the girl can keep in full. 

Earnings per month is from €2500-3000. 

When a girl is interested, how much she earn in the club, you have to understand that, like any other club, it depends on her competitiveness and not so much on the model looks, but on the charm, the ability to introduce herself and be interested for the club's guests. That is why it is so important the ability to communicate in at least in English, and Italian - even more. 
The Club is well known and, no doubt, provides to every girl the opportunity of decent earnings; it’s necessary only to be able to dispose of properly with this opportunity. 


The club does not credit the girl's flight to Sardinia, considering the fact of her own payment for tickets as a confirmation of willingness to work diligently in mutually beneficial interests. 
A free Shuttle service is available from Alghero Fertilia airport upon arrival. 

The club provides to the working girls, chargeable 10 euros per day each, comfortable apartments 5 minutes' drive from the club, 2 girls per room, with TV, free wifi, refrigerator, washing machine, bed linen, dishes and cutlery.
Transfer apartment-club-apartment is free of charge. 
Meals at your own expense.


If you want to work at the Club in Alghero, please fill out here or 
email me on the application form, attach some of your recent photos, on which both your shape in full body and face close-up without glasses are clearly visible.


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A famous nightclub with a 15-year history on the Italian island of Sardinia - the favorite place for enjoyable pastime and life spending for the powers that be from Europe, the United States and the Persian Gulf, the most famous amongst which are, of course, the tycoon and former Prime Minister of Italy Silvio Berlusconi, as well as endless line of Saudi princes.