Let me please to share with you the recipes of my own happiness and luck.

Born in the Soviet Union into the ordinary family, I’ve experienced first-hand all the "charms" of the Soviet and after-Soviet life in the family and at school, College, so as at the job, all of which I didn't like absolutely actually:).
Since my childhood I realized that life, which, unfortunately, still live hundreds of millions of people all over the world, is not correct, and therefore it is not for me.

I've been worked and studied, read, developed, danced semi-professionally, began to travel.
And once I’ve decided to overcome the stereotypes of people's perceive of something new, unfamiliar, unknown, as considered like potentially dangerous, chose to take the risk and agreed to work as go-go dancer and hostess at a club in Europe.
How both my relatives and friends were trying to dissuade me!.. But I’ve decided to look for a luck in a new field, in a new place, in a foreign country.

And when I've found it, LUCK and HAPPINESS, two in one, met thanks to this trip my future husband, I realized how right was I, risking (as it seemed not only to me but to many people), and what exactly would I lost, if I wouldn't did what I did!
Now I'm living a quiet family life in Europe, enjoying the peace and quiet and orderliness of my beingness, communicating with my lovely neighbors Brits, Germans, Swedes, Greeks, etc. with their pleasant manners and real, not imaginary kindness; when I want I'm heading to the mountains and the waterfalls or swimming at the sea, or traveling and admiring the natural and historical beauties.
And I wouldn't had in my life something mentioned above if I would listened to the relatives, notorious friends (how they didn't like the changes of my life!) and wouldn't went beyond the standard scheme of thinking and life.

And the same, in fact, I offer each of you, basing on my own life experience.

For many years already I help all wishing people with a job getting at the night clubs in many countries. This is contracted and high-paid job with a guaranteed safety and support from my side for the entire duration of the contract.
But in fact, I offer you even more, namely - to change your destiny and find your own happiness. And I don't just offer this - I’m creating the conditions for you to get it!

Of course, each person's notions of happiness or at least its elements, are different.
But do you really think the girls aren't happy if they earned working at the clubs through me so much, what let them not only to feel at last freedom of life circumstances pressure, but to buy a brand new apartment for themselves or for their parents, to make there exactly designer renovation and decoration, to buy an expensive car including Porsche, to change cheap accessories on real Louis Vuitton, Cartier and Chopard?

And how can be considered as not lucky, for example, Ann which working through me has met her beloved American at the club on Saint Martin island, whom she married, gave birth to two babies and drives now her Bentley in Miami?
How is it possible to deny the right to be called as happy of Kate, Gulnaz, Inna, another one Ann all of which have found their husbands in Singapore, working there through me - respectively a Shipping Company owner from Australia, a banker from NZ, the Microsoft leading programmer from India, a successful lawyer from Singapore?
In short, dare, girls!

Get escape from the trap of stereotypes and habits!
As Great Guy de Maupassant advised, look for your luck! Believe with your luck, because only in this case you will find it!
Don't listen to your relatives, friends and especially the friends (these ones are envious you with black envy, because of you decided to change your life, but their spirit is not enough for the same)!

As French poet of the nineteenth century Joseph Roux noted, our lives are passing in the desires for something what we have no got, and regrets about what we won’t have got anymore.

So, aspire to what may seem in the perception of others as not standard, not accepted in your circle, and act so as not to regret the lost opportunities to change your life!
Think and decide yourself!
Make up your mind!

And you will find your own happiness, and not its substitute, which is issued by public opinion in your community as such an average little-happiness, the same as that of millions of others have got (which in fact are unhappy)!
Be ambitious!

Set your goals, which seem today are not reachable and you will succeed for sure!
But don’t delay and don’t doubt, because even in the Ancient Rome it was believed that the missed case rarely repeated!

And I will help you!

Hot offers


A new modern night club in the heart of the Chinese tropical paradise - Hainan Island, a short drive from the island's capital city of Haikou, opened its doors to female dancers who want to work on consumation. Hainan is an island and a province in southern China, on the same latitude as Hawaii, in the tropical waters of the South China Sea, with a population of 9 million people, a dynamic resort, visited annually by more than 76 million tourists spending almost $ 14 billion on the island ! It is famous for its snow-white beaches washed by azure waters, with comfortable temperatures all year round (average annual air temperature is +23 ... + 25 ° С), magnificent natural parks, thermal springs, and first-class tourist infrastructure. The club for 500 guests and 50 working girls from around the world, during its pilot mode operating, has already proven itself to be a great holiday destination for wealthy tourists and rich locals, spending here many tens of thousands nightly, is opened seven days a week, from 8.00 PM to 02.00 AM.

Clubs in Lugano, Switzerland

Well known for many years the prestigious Nightclubs in the city of Lugano - which is the center of political and cultural life, trade and industry of the Swiss Italian-speaking Canton Ticino, situated on the banks of lake Lugano.The city is famous for its beautiful surroundings and steady climate, which attracts not only many tourists, but in recent years more and more international celebrities, stars of show business from all over the world, world-class athletes, because of what Lugano is called now as the Swiss Monte Carlo.Learn more about Switzerland, Lugano here. 


Elite gentlemen's club is part of world-famous and legendary chain of North American strip clubs, in the second largest city of Mexico - Guadalajara, which is famous for its Spanish colonial architecture, being the cultural capital of the state, its economic locomotive known as Mexican Silicon Valley, what together attracts many businessmen and tourists from all over the world.   The club which is amazing with its luxurious interiors, is located near the historic city centre, next to the largest shopping centre La Gran Plaza Fashion Mall, surrounded by prestigious restaurants and hotels. 


The Nightclub in the South of Spain, near the Mediterranean coast, known for years, popular not only among not the needy tourists and very respectable gentlemen which are coming to play on adjacent located world-known Golf course, but also among the respectable local landowners (not boys), whose estates and endless lands are located nearby. Another one nightclub recently opened on the wonderful seaside resort has managed already to garner glory among the crowds of relaxing here Brits and Germans of a must visit venue!